Christmas Alphabet
Christmas Alphabet
Christmas Alphabet F
Episode F of The Christmas Alphabet Podcast.
Christmas Alphabet is a podcast about Christmas, in alphabetical order. Every two weeks there's a new episode about Christmas feelings and facts all starting with one letter of the alphabet.
The podcast is written and hosted by Wayne - an author, broadcaster and Baptist pastor in Manchester, UK.
If you love Christmas all-year-round and you like to have things neatly filed, this is the podcast for you.
This time it's all things starting with the letter F.
We have F for Food and Feasting, including the British Christmas dinner and F for Fruit cake. Then there's F for Father Christmas, who is not Santa Claus. F is also for the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, the model of all modern church carol services.
Our Christmas song is not a carol, it's F for Frosty the Snowman.
Please subscribe to this independent podcast. Please tell your friends about us and give us a positive review. If you want a shout-out on the next episode, just make a comment about what you've heard and we'll include your thoughts.
Thanks for your support.
We're on the socials and have our own website. Find us on:
email wayne@christmasalphabet.com
Dr Annie Gray's book: At Christmas We Feast is available in bookshops and online: