The Will Caminada Podcast

#090 4D CONSCIOUSNESS: What No One Talks About!

Will Caminada Episode 90

In this episode I will uncover 4 things about the 4D level of CONSCIOUSNESS. And by the end of this video you will gain more awareness as to where you are in your healing journey and in the expansion of your consciousness.

If you've been following me for a while, you know that I often talk about 5D Consciousness, the planetary shift, the 5D ascension...

5D is and has been the focus because, in essence, this is the original state of consciousness for Mother Earth. And this is where we're heading towards or in other words, returning to. It's not necessarily a destination because when it comes to the evolution of consciousness there isn't one only destination or end goal, BUT for our linear minds, this is the focus - and we currently are going through this shift.

So this begs the question: What happened to 4D? Do we just skip it?

Tune in to hear the 4 things that aren't much acknowledged or talked about:

00:00  Intro + Recap on 3D 4D 5D
03:00  1. You can't skip 4D to shift into 5D Consciousness
04:10  2. 4D is a doorway to your past wounds
06:01  3. 4D can still be very dualistic and "dark"
08:11  4. 4D is also a Matrix

EPISODES MENTIONED in this episode:

👉🏼 4D Consciousness & The Akashic Records


🌓 SIGN UP to 5 x 5D Consciousness:

⭐  BOOK A 1:1 SESSION with Will:

**DISCLAIMER** These videos represent my own personal views and should not be considered absolute truths. Please use your discernment, do your own research, and most importantly, filter what resonates with your soul.