The Will Caminada Podcast

#011 The Deeper Layers Of Healing

Will Caminada Episode 11

 "The deeper you go into your healing, the deeper you’re healing the collective."

In this solo-cast episode I’m going to share with you the deeper layers of healing that's not much talked about. 

This is for everyone who’s been doing the ‘inner-work’ and sometimes feels like it’s just never ending; and also for anyone working as a healer, guiding fellow humans to heal themselves.

I would love to hear your comments about this topic. Would you add any 'layer'?

On the following episode I will share my healing experience with the plant medicine Ayahuasca, where I became more conscious of these layers I'm mentioning in this episode.

3D to 5D Consciousness Meditation:

1:1 Healing Sessions with Will:

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