The Will Caminada Podcast

#017 The Age Of Aquarius Explained

Will Caminada Episode 17

In this solo-cast episode I’m going a little bit more astrological and esoteric than my previous episodes because I will be talking about the new moment of The Age of Aquarius, and how it relates to our individual lives.

Just a little disclaimer that I’m not an expert in astrology but I’m interested and curious because I believe it’s all interconnected. I’m just fascinated to observe how astrology, spirituality, quantum physics are so connected and how they have influenced the history of humanity, and also how they influence our own personal lives.

So if you're interested like me, and want to learn the basics of The Age Of Aquarius as well as the history of the Astrological Ages, this show is for you.

3D to 5D Consciousness Meditation:

1:1 Healing Sessions with Will:

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