Impactful by RFI

Ep 2 - Impactful with Dr Mythily Subramaniam

Research for Impact Singapore Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode, we talk with Dr Mythily Subramaniam who has worked as a researcher in the field of mental health for 20 years and is currently Assistant Chair of the Medical Board for Research and Lead Investigator of the Programme of Mental Health Policy Studies at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH). She has co-led the pioneering Singapore Mental Health Study in 2010 and 2016, surveys that established the prevalence of select mental disorders in the adult population of Singapore; and the Well-being of the Singapore Elderly study. She has also been teaching as Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health since 2019.  

Quick take-aways:

  • In this episode, Dr Subramaniam talks about her journey from being a medical doctor to becoming one of the pioneering mental health researchers in Singapore, and Singapore's journey over the past two decades towards increasing interest, awareness, and understanding of mental health in Singapore. 
  • She raises the issue of persistent stigma on mental health, not just for patients or their communities, but also for mental health researchers. 
  • She expresses her optimism for mental health research in Singapore and shares her appreciation for uncovering patients' journeys of strength and recovery that can contribute to policy changes.