Unbroken: Healing Through Storytelling

45: Human Magnificence with Michelle Mills-Porter

June 29, 2021 Madeleine Black Episode 45

Michelle was riding the crest of a wave, winning multiple business awards and accolades for her business. Taking some time to celebrate, she found herself smack bang in the middle of the Michelle was riding the crest of a wave, winning multiple business awards and accolades for her business. Taking some time to celebrate, she found herself smack bang in the middle of the biggest natural disaster in our living history.  It changed her trajectory.

She believed she had witnessed what was at the core of humanity.
And it was magnificent.  She saw the power of true motivation and the limitless possibility of collaboration.
Michelle’s new trajectory took her on a journey to find her true purpose. The steppingstones included becoming PRO for the Hikkaduwa Village Fund, which raised £100,000 in just 6 months. Then supporting orphanages or creating sustainable incomes in 3rd world countries.

And most recently this path has led her to create a suite of analysis tools that help people to uncover their own magnificence and their true core values, helping them to become fulfilled.
This journey is yet complete…

Some key points from our interview:
•How she experienced the humanity of others when she found herself caught up in the tsunami in Sri Lanka, 2004
•How she witnessed her body taking over after realising what was taking place
•How everyone being in the same situation created a foundation of something that was quite incredible, as there was no hierarchy
•How she felt that the mini culture of all the diverse nationalities surviving and working together was magical
•How she feels this traumatic experience has recalibrated her and learnt what’s really important in her life
•How she feels it’s so important to make sure she’s in line with her true subconscious core values

You can get more information about Michelle here: https://www.mmp.uk.com

Watch her TEDx Talk here: https://www.ted.com/talks/michelle_mills_porter_michelle_mills_porter_human_magnificence_beyond_the_tsunami

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"Unbroken: Healing Through Storytelling" features  individuals who have all triumphed after adversity and have not just bounced back in life, but forward and are now making a difference for others.

Hosted by Madeleine Black, the show will share stories of all the amazing people Madeleine has met on her own journey as an author/speaker and these stories will heal, motivate, inspire and bring hope when they share their wisdom and knowledge with her.

She really believes in the power that comes when we share our stories, that in fact we are not story tellers but story healers. Tune in to discover what helped them to stay unbroken and together we will discover that none of us are broken beyond repair.

You can find out more about Madeleine, her story and her memoir, Unbroken,  from her website: https://madeleineblack.co.uk/

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