Unbroken: Healing Through Storytelling

46: 5 Steps to Happy with Ella Dove

July 06, 2021 Madeleine Black Episode 46

In one moment, Ella’s life changed, and she felt like every plan, hope and dream for the rest of her life had collapsed around her.


However, it didn’t!  Ella is a prime example of Unbroken as she hasn’t let the accident she had when she was running which led to her right leg being amputated above the knee, stop her.  In fact, I would say she is thriving and has found an inner strength that she maybe didn’t know she already had.


She is a journalist, author and trustee of the Limbless Association. In 2016, she lost her right leg below the knee following a freak running accident – tripping over while out for a jog.


Since then, she has been on a mission to improve knowledge and awareness of amputation, trauma and disability, through her writing, charity campaigns and speaking events. She is passionate about emphasising the importance of finding positivity through adversity, resilience and the healing power of writing. There is hope after trauma. There is light through the dark. It can – and it will – get better. 


Some key points from our interview:

·      How after 4 operations the decision was made to amputate her leg at aged just 25

·      How she had to find a way to stop avoiding the facts and feeling numb

·      How she has used humour to help her get through the dark days

·      How she used writing down her worries to help her process her concerns and come to terms

·      How she’s passionate about bringing disability into the mainstream, to show people that we are all capable of amazing things

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"Unbroken: Healing Through Storytelling" features  individuals who have all triumphed after adversity and have not just bounced back in life, but forward and are now making a difference for others.

Hosted by Madeleine Black, the show will share stories of all the amazing people Madeleine has met on her own journey as an author/speaker and these stories will heal, motivate, inspire and bring hope when they share their wisdom and knowledge with her.

She really believes in the power that comes when we share our stories, that in fact we are not story tellers but story healers. Tune in to discover what helped them to stay unbroken and together we will discover that none of us are broken beyond repair.

You can find out more about Madeleine, her story and her memoir, Unbroken,  from her website: https://madeleineblack.co.uk/

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