Unbroken: Healing Through Storytelling

70: The Mindfulness Coach with Hannah Galliers

Madeleine Black Episode 70

I “met” Hannah Galliers on social media and heard her story of overcoming a huge trauma at just nineteen and now goes on to help others work through their issues and knew she would be perfect for my podcast show! 

 Mindfulness transformed her life from when she first started practicing in 2015 and our interview focuses on what led her to try it.

 She’s always wanted to change the world, even if it's just for one person. This passion led her to establish her practice in 2018 where she specialises in helping working mums see their value and reclaim balance in their lives.

 Some key points from our interview:

·      How after being kidnapped by two men from a club and raped, she had the mindset to focus on the car she was in, despite being affected by the drugs her drink had been spiked with.

·      How she remembers the support and kindness of the Police officer from the specialist suite who also took her back home and told her parents.

·      How looking back, she sees that drinking and overworking was her response of avoiding and denying what had happened to her.

·      How she felt transformed by mindfulness the very first time she tried it and knew her work was accepting her trauma in order to move and reclaim her life .

·      How she’s now passionate about helping others to learn to get unstuck and love themselves again

You can get more information about Hannah here: https://www.facebook.com/hannah.galliers



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"Unbroken: Healing Through Storytelling" features  individuals who have all triumphed after adversity and have not just bounced back in life, but forward and are now making a difference for others.

Hosted by Madeleine Black, the show will share stories of all the amazing people Madeleine has met on her own journey as an author/speaker and these stories will heal, motivate, inspire and bring hope when they share their wisdom and knowledge with her.

She really believes in the power that comes when we share our stories, that in fact we are not story tellers but story healers. Tune in to discover what helped them to stay unbroken and together we will discover that none of us are broken beyond repair.

You can find out more about Madeleine, her story and her memoir, Unbroken,  from her website: https://madeleineblack.co.uk/

Watch edited highlights on YouTube:

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