Gareth's Podcast

Super Dogs!

James Ashcroft with BAZOOF! Season 1 Episode 2

There are lots of dogs who have done amazing things in our world! In Gareth's second podcast he shares a little history about dogs and highlights a couple of super dogs for his listeners. An astrophysicist dog from Russia gives Gareth a call, named Professor Sergey! Gareth was inspired to cover this topic after visiting Pete's Pet Palace in the Wellington neighbourhood. There he met a bed bug dog named Tetris and a rescue dog, Napoleon!

To learn more about Gareth, visit his podcast webpage
To learn more about BAZOOF! where this all started, visit
Gareth's Instagram: gareth.a.platypus
To learn more about Issue #73 where this podcast was featured, visit here. 

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Published: Jan. 12, 2021 @12AM Edit


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