College Unbound

College UnBound: Parent Support

January 11, 2021 Focus Collegiate Season 1 Episode 9

A great deal of news coverage has been focused on students and teachers. This week we  focus on parents and how we support them.

The early college years are an important time of individuation. It’s time for students to find and build their independence, to figure out who they are and what they want to do with their life. Staying home makes that fledging more difficult for the student. It also  makes it more difficult for parents to let go. 

Many colleges are using extended breaks or remote learning as COVID-19 precautions which means more young adults than ever are home now than would be during a “normal” academic year.  Some parents feel like they are in the hot seat.

Join us as we discuss the ways Focus Collegiate supports families as they gain skills for a smoother transition to college.