College Unbound

College UnBound: The Learning Profile

February 23, 2021 Focus Collegiate Season 1 Episode 11

In this week’s podcast, we discuss the student learning profile. In the previous episode of College UnBound, we talked about the importance of college prep and how the Focus Collegiate Summer Cohort meets the needs of incoming students. Part of our ability to meet these needs relies on our understanding of each student’s unique learning profile. 

Each profile is often related to, if not determined by, one or more psycho-educational diagnosis. And though the accommodations and IEPs students depend on in high school are also based on the diagnosis, many students don’t know or fully understand what their diagnosis is or how these characteristics relate to becoming an independent learner. When they are ready, we help students appreciate that their learning profile can be used as a tool for strengths building and growth.

While our adage is people on paper aren’t real people, Focus Collegiate uses its own assessment tools to encourage students to explore their learning profile in a non-stigmatizing way. We balance our own findings and those of each diagnosis with each student’s abilities and volition to build comprehensive and appropriate strategies for academic and social success.