The Electric Feminine

Healing Through Dance

June 17, 2022 Anjua

WARNING: Gun Violence is discussed

At  21 years old Nurjahan Boulden was shot by a gunmen in nightclub.  The man next to her died and another bullet had shattered her tibia, Nurjahan lived with the  psychological scars long after the physical ones had healed. For years after she almost lost her life, the bullet came dangerously close to an artery, she suffered from survivors guilt, anxiety and fear. The body knows more than we give it credit for and durning this time Nurjahan had all but stopped dancing. Before her traumatic incident she was teaching belly dance, something she had grown up doing with the women in her family as part of her Tanzanian heritage. It wasn't until Nurjahan was at a spiritual retreat for women that she was able to heal the trauma that held her body hostage.  With the gentle hands of the women placed upon her, she was finally able to release the fear and shame she had carried for so long.  Since then Nurjahan returned to dancing and teaching belly dance. She bravely shares her survivor story and the healing power of dance in the company of women. 

To follow and learn more about Nurjahan Boulden you can find her here: