Love Starts Here with Love and Life Coach Melissa Snow


March 21, 2022 Episode 64

The topic of overthinking has been coming up a lot lately with my clients and in the Love Starts Here Facebook group.

The problem with overthinking is that although it can feel very productive, it's actually not. 

Overthinking keeps you stuck in indecision, prevents you from moving forward, drains your confidence and zaps your time and energy.  

On today's episode, I'll tell you exactly what causes you to overthink - and it's probably not what you think it is!
I'll also give you two solid tips for how you can stop overthinking - especially when it comes to dating and relationships!

P.S.  I still have a few spots open in my new group program, Date Like You Mean It, at an extremely reduced rate!  If you want to know more, CLICK HERE to schedule a free consult!