Love Starts Here with Love and Life Coach Melissa Snow


October 25, 2021 Melissa Snow Episode 47

Most people think compatibility means liking the same music, having similar hobbies, making each other laugh, etc. but getting along well with someone and TRULY being compatible in a relationship are very different things.  

In this episode we're talking about what compatibility REALLY means, in terms of:

  • Negotiables vs. Non-Negotiables
  • Giving Up Parts of Yourself or Your Life
  • Shared Values 
  • Future Goals 
  • Love-Ability 

If you’ve dated in the past or your dating now and you keep ending up in dead-end relationships,  it could very well be that you are missing key signs that you’re not actually compatible for a long term relationship! 

This episode will also help you look at past relationships and see exactly why they didn't work out, so you can avoid making the same mistakes again!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for my FREE Masterclass, "Love Doesn't Have to Be So Hard - 5 Powerful Tips to Have More Fun and Success in Dating"