Love Starts Here with Love and Life Coach Melissa Snow

Gumball Love w/ Relationship Coach Melissa Leger

Episode 58

On today's episode I'm talking with Relationship Coach Melissa Ledger - founder of Gumball Love, creator of the Back to You Academy and the host of the Gumball Love podcast!

If you've ever had:

  • A man ghost you 
  • A man who seemed really into you one day but then pulled away the next
  • Someone in your life who always seemed to want something from you 
  • People who leave and come back into your life over and over

Then this episode is for you!

Melissa explains what a "Gumball Guy" (or girl!)  is and why they act the way they do.  We also dive into how to spot a "Gumball Guy" quickly so you don't waste any more time on one-sided, transactional relationships. 

For more information about Melissa and Gumball Love, CLICK HERE!
Follow Melissa on Instagram HERE and CLICK HERE to check out the Gumball Love podcast!