World What's Up!

World What's Up! Season 2 Episode 9 (Grenada Special) Bobby Steele Hospitality/Entertainment Expert

Andy James/ Bobby Steel Season 2 Episode 9

Bobby Steele is a force of nature. I call him a Guru in the title because one of  meanings is "An influential teacher or popular expert" and he is certainly that. He has worked in the hospitality and entertainment industry in the Caribbean since he was a 15 year old organising parties. Bobby has a real passion for the industry and a dynamic business brain as well as a great heart. He was the man behind Grenada's most successful club ever - Bananas and is looking forward to it’s exciting relaunch later this year.

We chat about his early life and where he sees Grenada heading in the future. He gives us an exclusive insight into an aspect of his life. The man is a master storyteller and very funny, so sit back and enjoy!