World What's Up!

World What's Up! Season 1 Episode 14 Nigeal Andall Community Legend Caribbean restaurant owner

Andy James/Nigel Andell Season 1 Episode 14

Nigeal Andall is the owner of the community run Caribbean restaurant Allotmentz in Friern Barnet. The food is excellent but that is only a part of it. Nigeal employs 30+ young people to come and work in the restaurant. He has also  feed 20,000 people in need in the area during lockdown. He tells us about his amazing life which has had so many ups and downs from losing everything he had work so hard for after a terrible tragedy and having to start again from rock bottom. He talks about being a black man in the police and the institutional racism he encountered in the force. We also chat about how many councillors and MP are all about lip service and very little action. I really enjoyed what he had to say and I found him amazingly honest and truly inspirational.

Check out Allotmentz website