Memory Gauge - A Digimon Card Game Podcast

Special Booster Version 1.5 Set Review, Part One || #21

Connor Farrell Season 2 Episode 21

Special Booster Version 1.5 is here! Join the Memory Gauge for the first part of our two part set review - a look at the Red, Blue, and Yellow cards in Special Booster Version 1.5.

Theme Music is 'Confidence Allure (30 Seconds Chorus)' by Simon Jomphe Lepine
Additional Music is 'Destination Happiness' by Simon Jomphe Lepine


Skip straight to your favourite colour:
Red: 11:30
Blue: 26:51
Yellow: 45:43

This week's Listener Question: Which is your favourite - RagnaLoardmon, Imperialdramon, or ShineGreymon?

Join our 1.5 Box Opening Livestream here!  Stream will be on Friday, 19th of March starting at 7:30pm EST.

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