Connecting the doughs

Brexit - Everything you need to know if you're looking to hire a skilled pizza chef from outside the UK (ENGLISH & ITALIAN)

• Pizzaiolo Tribe • Season 1 • Episode 9

🇬🇧 In the ninth episode of Connecting the Doughs podcast, we interview Louis MacWilliam, Head of Immigration at law firm Truth Legal Solicitors. Louis will tell us more about the new immigration system for any employer who can't find skilled pizza chefs and needs to bring a workforce from outside the UK. Louis has written a blog on this issue, How to sponsor a chef (key changes in 2021 & what you need to know).

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🇮🇹 Nella nona puntata del podcast Connecting the Doughs, intervistiamo Louis MacWilliam, Head of Immigration nella società legale Truth Legal Solicitors. Louis ci darà un aggiornamento sul nuovo sistema che regola l'immigrazione nel Regno Unito a seguito della Brexit e in particolare, condividerà tutto il percorso burocratico che ristoranti e pizzerie dovranno seguire per poter assumere staff dall'Unione Europea. Di seguito puoi leggere un approfondimento scritto da Louis su questo tema, How to sponsor a chef (key changes in 2021 & what you need to know).