Life by YOUR Design

#21 Hello, Subconscious! Meet Your Inner Power

December 05, 2023 Michelle Boyde Season 2 Episode 21
#21 Hello, Subconscious! Meet Your Inner Power
Life by YOUR Design
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Life by YOUR Design
#21 Hello, Subconscious! Meet Your Inner Power
Dec 05, 2023 Season 2 Episode 21
Michelle Boyde

Ever wondered why some goals are a breeze, while others feel like an uphill battle, or escape you completely?

The secret: new goals lack the subconscious programming for seamless achievement.

In this episode, I break down how your conscious and subconscious mind team up or work against each other to shape the life you are living today. 

Join me to explore the power of your subconscious mind and discover why a belief upgrade is your shortcut to inevitable success.

Key Takeaways:

  • While subconscious automations can be incredibly efficient, they may not always serve us well when we want to embark on something new or different
  • By altering our belief system, we have the power to propel ourselves toward our visions and goals
  • Step one is building awareness of our subconscious beliefs influencing our goal
  • The subconscious mind is a goal achieving machine when you learn to work with it!


  • 1:49 Working with the conscious mind can only get us so far
  • 2:41 We have 4% in our conscious awareness and 96% is the subconscious mind
  • 5:09 Subconscious automations and how they can hold us back
  • 6:35 The Ultimate Goal Accelerator: How this applies when a smoker wants to stop smoking
  • 8:37 Start working with your subconscious mind
  • 10:20 How your beliefs influence you if you want to leave your job
  • 12:08 Our beliefs are always evolving

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About Life by YOUR Design

It’s time to change that career, share your gifts and create the ripples that change the course of your life. If you’re seeking more purpose and meaning, then you know it’s time to live Life by YOUR Design. Join Master Hypnotist Michelle Boyde as she discusses subconscious power, heart-fuelled passion, discovering your soul-led purpose, Human Design and interviews people committed to living life by their own design.

About Michelle Boyde

Introducing Michelle, Master Hypnotist and Life Architect. She's your trusted guide for nurturing unconventional beliefs, delving deep into the subconscious mind and supporting you to reconnect to your purpose. She’s been facilitating leaders for over 15 years to gain clarity on their vision and act on their goals. Her unique mix of Hypnosis, Matrix Therapies and Human Design will guide you to unlock your true potential and live Life by YOUR Design.

Show Notes

Ever wondered why some goals are a breeze, while others feel like an uphill battle, or escape you completely?

The secret: new goals lack the subconscious programming for seamless achievement.

In this episode, I break down how your conscious and subconscious mind team up or work against each other to shape the life you are living today. 

Join me to explore the power of your subconscious mind and discover why a belief upgrade is your shortcut to inevitable success.

Key Takeaways:

  • While subconscious automations can be incredibly efficient, they may not always serve us well when we want to embark on something new or different
  • By altering our belief system, we have the power to propel ourselves toward our visions and goals
  • Step one is building awareness of our subconscious beliefs influencing our goal
  • The subconscious mind is a goal achieving machine when you learn to work with it!


  • 1:49 Working with the conscious mind can only get us so far
  • 2:41 We have 4% in our conscious awareness and 96% is the subconscious mind
  • 5:09 Subconscious automations and how they can hold us back
  • 6:35 The Ultimate Goal Accelerator: How this applies when a smoker wants to stop smoking
  • 8:37 Start working with your subconscious mind
  • 10:20 How your beliefs influence you if you want to leave your job
  • 12:08 Our beliefs are always evolving

Book your Human Design Read.

Follow the podcast on Instagram.

About Life by YOUR Design

It’s time to change that career, share your gifts and create the ripples that change the course of your life. If you’re seeking more purpose and meaning, then you know it’s time to live Life by YOUR Design. Join Master Hypnotist Michelle Boyde as she discusses subconscious power, heart-fuelled passion, discovering your soul-led purpose, Human Design and interviews people committed to living life by their own design.

About Michelle Boyde

Introducing Michelle, Master Hypnotist and Life Architect. She's your trusted guide for nurturing unconventional beliefs, delving deep into the subconscious mind and supporting you to reconnect to your purpose. She’s been facilitating leaders for over 15 years to gain clarity on their vision and act on their goals. Her unique mix of Hypnosis, Matrix Therapies and Human Design will guide you to unlock your true potential and live Life by YOUR Design.