Life by YOUR Design

#15 Spiritual Awakening, Morning Routines and Managing Uncertainty

January 12, 2021 Michelle Boyde Season 1 Episode 15
#15 Spiritual Awakening, Morning Routines and Managing Uncertainty
Life by YOUR Design
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Life by YOUR Design
#15 Spiritual Awakening, Morning Routines and Managing Uncertainty
Jan 12, 2021 Season 1 Episode 15
Michelle Boyde

My guest is Alex E Lamber who is passionate about raising the consciousness of our planet and uses entrepreneurship to bring this shift into manifestation.

After studying at a prestigious business school in Paris and growing startups in Australia, Alex got a spiritual awakening that motivated him to use his skills to empower other lightworkers, healers, conscious entrepreneurs and heart-centred leaders.

He is the host of “The Lightleaders Podcast” and the author of “The New Wave: Escape 9-5, Do What You Love and Make an Impact”. He organises events around the world such as the Masterminds of Conscious Entrepreneurs.

He also coaches other lightworkers to achieve financial freedom and scale their positive impact in the world.

In this episode we talked about his spiritual awakening triggering leaving his career, morning routines, psychedelics and much more. And Alex’s shares lots of tips and book references to get your started (you’ll find a list at the bottom of the show notes): 

  • [2.33] After graduation he did one year in private equity, didn’t excited him. Then he moved to Australia and spend six years growing start-ups including Hello Fresh.
  • [3.45] The combination of interest in entrepreneurship and meditation triggered him to create the life he lives now.
  • [4.44] Freedom and time from not being in a 9-5 creates a lot of emptiness so there is a need for discipline. 
  • [5.08] Alex has a disciplined morning routine. 
  • [9.44] Advice for beginning a morning routine.
  • [10.28] Alex’s morning routine.
  • [12.55] Alex’s spiritual awakening.
  • [15.23] Three years ago, he did a weekend with friends with LSD. 
  • [16.11]  The mind creates a lot of fears that are in fact irrational. 
  • [17.35] What expanding consciousness means: recognising we are more than what we see with our senses and challenging what we have been taught. 
  • [20.05] A more professional approach answer to that question. 
  • [21.35] When he finds himself in fear and ego. 
  • [24.56] Breath work and energy work. 
  • [26.02] We are wired to focus not the negative for survival. We rewire with gratitude. It balances the brain ad see things more clearly.
  • [28.50] We live at a time when things are very uncertain. Which is why meditation is so important. We have to become uncomfortable with change. “If things change, I’ll learn again with pleasure.”
  • [32.20] Alex’s Ayahuasca Experience (see his podcast episode) 
  • [35.00] “Living in the world of today without meditating is getting very hard.”
  • [36.25] Healy – device emits frequency’s through a micro current, supports wellbeing. 
  • [38.15] Network marketing has a bad rep. 
  • [43.54] Alex’s tips how to walk away from a career you feel embedded in
  • [48.11] What he wished he has known

Alex’s Reading List:

  • The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris
  • The 7 Habits pf Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Power of Now, by Erkhart Tolle
  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie


You can follow Alex’s adventures on Instagram and Facebook. Find out more on his website, including his podcast: The Lightleaders Podcast here.

Thinking about leaving your career and want to Build Your Freedom Fund  - find out more here.

Show Notes

My guest is Alex E Lamber who is passionate about raising the consciousness of our planet and uses entrepreneurship to bring this shift into manifestation.

After studying at a prestigious business school in Paris and growing startups in Australia, Alex got a spiritual awakening that motivated him to use his skills to empower other lightworkers, healers, conscious entrepreneurs and heart-centred leaders.

He is the host of “The Lightleaders Podcast” and the author of “The New Wave: Escape 9-5, Do What You Love and Make an Impact”. He organises events around the world such as the Masterminds of Conscious Entrepreneurs.

He also coaches other lightworkers to achieve financial freedom and scale their positive impact in the world.

In this episode we talked about his spiritual awakening triggering leaving his career, morning routines, psychedelics and much more. And Alex’s shares lots of tips and book references to get your started (you’ll find a list at the bottom of the show notes): 

  • [2.33] After graduation he did one year in private equity, didn’t excited him. Then he moved to Australia and spend six years growing start-ups including Hello Fresh.
  • [3.45] The combination of interest in entrepreneurship and meditation triggered him to create the life he lives now.
  • [4.44] Freedom and time from not being in a 9-5 creates a lot of emptiness so there is a need for discipline. 
  • [5.08] Alex has a disciplined morning routine. 
  • [9.44] Advice for beginning a morning routine.
  • [10.28] Alex’s morning routine.
  • [12.55] Alex’s spiritual awakening.
  • [15.23] Three years ago, he did a weekend with friends with LSD. 
  • [16.11]  The mind creates a lot of fears that are in fact irrational. 
  • [17.35] What expanding consciousness means: recognising we are more than what we see with our senses and challenging what we have been taught. 
  • [20.05] A more professional approach answer to that question. 
  • [21.35] When he finds himself in fear and ego. 
  • [24.56] Breath work and energy work. 
  • [26.02] We are wired to focus not the negative for survival. We rewire with gratitude. It balances the brain ad see things more clearly.
  • [28.50] We live at a time when things are very uncertain. Which is why meditation is so important. We have to become uncomfortable with change. “If things change, I’ll learn again with pleasure.”
  • [32.20] Alex’s Ayahuasca Experience (see his podcast episode) 
  • [35.00] “Living in the world of today without meditating is getting very hard.”
  • [36.25] Healy – device emits frequency’s through a micro current, supports wellbeing. 
  • [38.15] Network marketing has a bad rep. 
  • [43.54] Alex’s tips how to walk away from a career you feel embedded in
  • [48.11] What he wished he has known

Alex’s Reading List:

  • The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris
  • The 7 Habits pf Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Power of Now, by Erkhart Tolle
  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie


You can follow Alex’s adventures on Instagram and Facebook. Find out more on his website, including his podcast: The Lightleaders Podcast here.

Thinking about leaving your career and want to Build Your Freedom Fund  - find out more here.