Life by YOUR Design

#17 Using Ancient Science to Guide Your Career Change: Astrology, Numerology and Feng Shui

January 26, 2021 Michelle Boyde Season 1 Episode 17
#17 Using Ancient Science to Guide Your Career Change: Astrology, Numerology and Feng Shui
Life by YOUR Design
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Life by YOUR Design
#17 Using Ancient Science to Guide Your Career Change: Astrology, Numerology and Feng Shui
Jan 26, 2021 Season 1 Episode 17
Michelle Boyde

My guest today is Tameera Kemp. For over 20 years she has brought healing, insight, clarity and empowerment to thousands worldwide working with the ancient sciences of astrology, numerology and Feng Shui to transform your world.

She specialises in relationships, life direction, career, home energies, names and changes. She is featured in Vogue and has conducted readings for luxury brands, leading Australian magazines and television media.

Tameera brings further healing through the Light Language and dowsing with profound insight dating back thousands of years to Atlantis as a record keeper.

Tameera developed the Moon Lovers Astrology Numerology Guide which syncs to your phone, aimed at the busy person to help you understand the energies worldwide.  She is currently working on a dating book and further online resources to help you live your best life.

In today’s episode she shares practical ways to use Astrology and Numerology to guide leaving your career and starting new projects. As well as easy Feng Shui tops to support a career change:

  • [3.30] Tameera wanted to be an air hostess, seems quite different to what she does now, but it is still “up in the air”. From the age of 10 she got into Astrology, then Numerology and Feng Shui later in her twenties. Since a teenager she wanted to do this for a living.
  • [7.48] 14 years working at one of Sydney’s top universities
  • [9.30] There are two key things that triggered Tameera to leave that job.
  • [13.10] How do you interpret the signs? This is what each number vibration means
  • [19.2] Astrology - we have our charts and then transits happening around us
  • [21.00] 84 is a really significant age – also a Uranus return then. People who have not gone into life’s calling their dementia sets in and they regress into childhood
  • [22.10] Characteristics of Saturn Return – births, deaths and marriages. Whatever you thought was going to be happening, it’s transformation on a grand scale. Soul partnerships come in, pregnancies, moving countries. It changes directory of your life. Lasts for 2.5 years. 
  • [24.31] You can look at where Saturn is in your chart right now to see which house it is in and that will guide your experience and decisions.
  • [28.30] Nissan Whirlpool, Nike – all their logos are based on Saturn. Nike – “just do it”- push through limitations
  • [30.11] Descriptions of each House
  • [36.20] Numerology
  • [36.40] Calculating Personal Year Vibration and Life path Number 
  • [44.10] There is a universal energy as a collective. This years is a 5 year ( 2 + 0 + 2 + 1). This year is about profound freedom! Last year was a 4 characterised by yin energy – we were forced to stay at home and go within!
  • [45.40] Personal years vibrations descriptions
  • [54.00] Inspired action – Destiny vs taking action.
  • [57.00] We have 7 main numbers that make up our blueprint. 
  • [1.00.29] Feng Shui tips: Your home is a reflection of you. 
  • [1.07.50] Western Fung Shui and Traditional Feng Shui Compass method
  • [1.08.45] Feng Shui key parts of your home
  • [1.15.03] If you are going for an interview or public speaking 
  • [1.15.55] Tameera is writing a book on dating. Developing new online resource. The Moon Lovers Guide is released and working on a retreat

You can follow Tameera’s adventures on Instagram, Facebook and find out more on her website.

Thinking about leaving your career and want to Build Your Freedom Fund  - find out more here.

Show Notes

My guest today is Tameera Kemp. For over 20 years she has brought healing, insight, clarity and empowerment to thousands worldwide working with the ancient sciences of astrology, numerology and Feng Shui to transform your world.

She specialises in relationships, life direction, career, home energies, names and changes. She is featured in Vogue and has conducted readings for luxury brands, leading Australian magazines and television media.

Tameera brings further healing through the Light Language and dowsing with profound insight dating back thousands of years to Atlantis as a record keeper.

Tameera developed the Moon Lovers Astrology Numerology Guide which syncs to your phone, aimed at the busy person to help you understand the energies worldwide.  She is currently working on a dating book and further online resources to help you live your best life.

In today’s episode she shares practical ways to use Astrology and Numerology to guide leaving your career and starting new projects. As well as easy Feng Shui tops to support a career change:

  • [3.30] Tameera wanted to be an air hostess, seems quite different to what she does now, but it is still “up in the air”. From the age of 10 she got into Astrology, then Numerology and Feng Shui later in her twenties. Since a teenager she wanted to do this for a living.
  • [7.48] 14 years working at one of Sydney’s top universities
  • [9.30] There are two key things that triggered Tameera to leave that job.
  • [13.10] How do you interpret the signs? This is what each number vibration means
  • [19.2] Astrology - we have our charts and then transits happening around us
  • [21.00] 84 is a really significant age – also a Uranus return then. People who have not gone into life’s calling their dementia sets in and they regress into childhood
  • [22.10] Characteristics of Saturn Return – births, deaths and marriages. Whatever you thought was going to be happening, it’s transformation on a grand scale. Soul partnerships come in, pregnancies, moving countries. It changes directory of your life. Lasts for 2.5 years. 
  • [24.31] You can look at where Saturn is in your chart right now to see which house it is in and that will guide your experience and decisions.
  • [28.30] Nissan Whirlpool, Nike – all their logos are based on Saturn. Nike – “just do it”- push through limitations
  • [30.11] Descriptions of each House
  • [36.20] Numerology
  • [36.40] Calculating Personal Year Vibration and Life path Number 
  • [44.10] There is a universal energy as a collective. This years is a 5 year ( 2 + 0 + 2 + 1). This year is about profound freedom! Last year was a 4 characterised by yin energy – we were forced to stay at home and go within!
  • [45.40] Personal years vibrations descriptions
  • [54.00] Inspired action – Destiny vs taking action.
  • [57.00] We have 7 main numbers that make up our blueprint. 
  • [1.00.29] Feng Shui tips: Your home is a reflection of you. 
  • [1.07.50] Western Fung Shui and Traditional Feng Shui Compass method
  • [1.08.45] Feng Shui key parts of your home
  • [1.15.03] If you are going for an interview or public speaking 
  • [1.15.55] Tameera is writing a book on dating. Developing new online resource. The Moon Lovers Guide is released and working on a retreat

You can follow Tameera’s adventures on Instagram, Facebook and find out more on her website.

Thinking about leaving your career and want to Build Your Freedom Fund  - find out more here.