
Introduction to the KERCast

October 05, 2020 KER Unit Season 1 Episode 1

A brief introduction to the KERCast by host Victor Montori.
For more information go to the KERCast page

Victor Montori:

Hello, I am Victor Montori. I'm an investigator with the Knowledge and Evaluation Research Unit or KER Unit, and your host of the KERCasts. Every year we at the KER Unit host an annual meeting with patients, clinicians, researchers, that help us understand better how to make care fit in the lives of patients. This year, because of COVID, we can't be together, but we can connect. That is the

purpose of the KERCast:

to connect you with people that we think are at the forefront of making care of fit. These are patient advocates, clinicians, researchers, friends, who will tell us about how they got to be where they are, what are the principles animating that journey, and what is the meaning of their work, we will try to have conversations that are friendly, and oftentimes they will be broadcasted live. So follow our links to make sure that you can register and participate in those broadcasts. But if you can't make it, we will post them as videos and podcasts so you can review them at your own convenience. I look forward to seeing you there and to host these 2020 KERCasts.