Mommy Couch Confessions

Season 2:Episode #7-The Invisible Load of Being A Mother of Color

February 15, 2021 Raquila-D'Nai Smith Season 2 Episode 7

Momming is hard, I think we can all agree. When you add the stress of preparing your children for a world that is almost the exact opposite of what we raise them up to believe in our homes and the trauma that is added when the cultural and societal happenings seem to scream injustice towards people who look like you...motherhood can become heavy. How much of current events do we explain without breaking our children's spirits? How do we tell them the truth without curating fear because the hatred or harm they are seeing, is being inflicted upon people whose skin and features look like theirs. I do know the power of Christ and a strong and supportive village has on the motherhood process and in life in general so sometimes, we have to be reminded that while the days are hard and the journey tiring, there is yet hope!