School of Purpose

#2: Creating a Purposeful, Flourishing Retirement with Compassion International

Bradley Wright PhD

Tom Andrix has had a long and varied career. Her served as a naval aviator, a dry wall installer, a staff person for a Christian ministry, and a data base manager for a hedge fund. When it came time to retire, Tom wanted to do something that used his skills to make the world a better place. He wanted something that moved him at a deep level. After investigating possibilities for several years, he found a retirement activity that perfectly fits these criteria.

In discussing his story, we talk about the role of chance encounters in finding our purpose, the use of our gifts and skills, and our responsibility to the world.

If you’d like to learn more about your own purpose in life, visit for training materials, articles, and more.

To contact Tom about his work with Compassion International, you can email him at

Edited and Produced by Josh Gilbert

Music also by Josh Gilbert