School of Purpose

#3: Lessons in Purpose from Surviving Cancer a Second Time

Sheri Blackmon is a cancer survivor-twice over. The most recent occurrence was harrowing. For a year, she could do little each day except try to heal. Even the smallest moments became meaningful. From this experience, she learned to view the world differently. While the chemotherapy was killing the cancer, the cancer was killing triviality.

In this episode, Sheri describes how she now engages the world differently. Among the topics that come up are: the difference between active and passive purpose, the role of control in living purposefully, the significance of small choices, and why dreams might be better than goals.

If you’d like to learn more about your own purpose in life, visit for training materials, articles, and more.

You can learn more about Sheri's story at

Edited and Produced by Josh Gilbert 

Music also by Josh Gilbert