School of Purpose

#5: A Meandering Journey into Becoming a Writer

What do you do when you don't know what you want to do in life? You try new things. You look for glimpses of what's interesting to you and what you're good at. Nancy Franson is a writer, but it took her decades to get there. As she puts it, she discovered that she was a writer in her fifties. She shares her journey in this episode.

From her story, we learn about getting feedback from other people about who we are, doing free writing to see what comes out of our hearts, and serendipitous encounters. She shares a remarkable story about getting a job as a writer in the most random of circumstances.

You can learn more about Nancy at She's on Twitter at

The School of Purpose shares knowledge about finding purpose in life. This knowledge comes from both research and life experiences. Visit us at

Edited and Produced by Josh Gilbert 
Music also by Josh Gilbert