School of Purpose

#11: The Power of Reading and Learning in Finding Purpose-Catholic Convert Glenn Stanton

How can reading books and other forms of learning be gateways into finding our purpose in life?

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He's also a recent convert to Catholicism. Glenn spends his days engaging morally-related social issues that matter deeply to him. He researches and teaches about these issues with speaking and writing. But, he wasn't always engaged. In high school, he was the epitome of an apathetic student. In fact, he didn't read his first book until his early twenties, but that book set him on fire for engaging moral issues. Ever sense then, reading and learning have played an instrumental role in Glenn living out his purpose.

In this episode you'll learn about:
* The powerful role that books can play in our finding our purpose
* Why failure can actually make it easier to find our purpose
* What it feels like at an emotional level to have found your purpose
* How purpose intermingles with our religious beliefs
* The challenges and beauty of helping our children find their purpose

The School of Purpose is a place to learn the process of finding purpose in life. Visit us at

Questions? Comments? Just want to say "hi"? Send me an email at Would love to hear from you. 

Edited and Produced by Josh Gilbert, Music also by Josh Gilbert. 
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