School of Purpose

#57: Creating Life Stories of Purpose: Life Coach, Author, and Caregiver Robert Pardi

What is the story of your life? Are you willing to give yourself over to it fully?
Robert Pardi lives a beautiful, meaningful life. He got there through living out stories. His wife died at a tragically young age, and Robert was her caregiver for 11 years. He transitioned from Wall Street to being a life coach. He stumbled upon a small town in central Italy where his family emigrated from and he made it his home. He shares the wealth of knowledge that he's gained through all of this about living a meaningful life.
In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • The value of sharing our life experiences with others
  • Using a vision board to plot our purpose
  • How to think of your life in terms of the stories that you create
  • The need to surrender completely to what life asks of us
  • Supporting others into the life that they want to live

Robert's website (check out the view from his balcony!)
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Want to start your own podcast? This podcast is edited and produced (and music too) by Josh Gilbert. He does a great job and is a joy to work with. Contact him at