School of Purpose

#60: Finding Work in Middle Age Stirs Your Soul: Rehabilitation Aide Burt Fleischner

How does purpose intrude into our everyday life? Even in middle age, can we turn our careers into something profoundly purposeful? 
Burton Fleischner has a successful career as the manager of a large retail bookstore. But, it didn't engage him at a deep level. Then, one day, a customer asked him a question that caused him to reevaluate everything. Not long after that, he left the safe, known world of retail and moved into medical care. He was inspired by a tragedy that his family had experienced decades prior. He's now a celebrated rehabilitation aide who powerfully helps patients in a rehabilitation hospital. He's so full of purpose that it doesn't even feel like he's doing work. 
In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • How we can us our careers to complete unfinished business from our youth
  • What it feels like being in an organization that doesn't have a compelling mission
  • How empathy brings us closer to our purpose
  • How friends and family can actually keep us from exploring our purpose as they encourage us to be risk averse
  • How a single conversation can change our whole lives

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Want to start your own podcast? This podcast is edited and produced (and music too) by Josh Gilbert. He does a great job and is a joy to work with. Contact him at