School of Purpose

#62: Self-Discovery, Security, and Finding Purpose: Attorney, Author, and Guide Lauren Krasnodembski

We often think of living a life of purpose as being extreme--quitting your job and taking up something brand new. This happens sometimes. But, how can purpose be meaningfully integrated into our existing lives? 
Attorney and self-discovery guide Lauren Krasnodembski sheds light on how to live purposefully in your current life. She's a successful privacy attorney and is raising a family. She also has found a way to help others find their way. She guides them in her writing, speaking, and coaching through the process of self-discovery. 
In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • How following purpose leads to discomfort
  • Balancing personal security and the risks of purpose
  • How to know what your heart is telling you to do
  • Living purposefully even when you're really busy
  • Responding to live vs. reacting

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Want to start your own podcast? This podcast is edited and produced (and music too) by Josh Gilbert. He does a great job and is a joy to work with. Contact him at