School of Purpose

#63: Pain, Service, & Purpose: Tech Executive and Altruist Ferose V R

How is purpose linked to the most painful moments of our lives? 
Ferose VR was living his dream life--a successful career, marriage, and a child on his way. Then his child was born with autism. Ferose was in anguish. Then he spoke to a mentor about it. Instead of grieving, she congratulated him.  She told him that now he knew his purpose in life. Beautiful things have resulted, including Ferose's starting a movement to integrate people with autism into the workplace. These experiences, combined with extensive reading in the philosophy of Gandi, give Ferose a deep perspective how we live purposefully. 
In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • Why purpose is complex but not complicated
  • The potentially negative side of purpose
  • How purpose finds us rather our finding it
  • The importance of purity of intention
  • Preparing your inner-being for purpose

Find more on my Instagram page. 
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Want to start your own podcast? This podcast is edited and produced (and music too) by Josh Gilbert. He does a great job and is a joy to work with. Contact him at