School of Purpose

#76. How Emotions and Relationships Point Us to Purpose: Developmental Scientist and CEO Ben Houltberg

Purpose is multifaceted. We experience it in different areas of our lives. Many different factors come together to move us into it. How do they come together?
Ben Houltberg has done a lot of things that gives him insight into life purpose. He has been an elite track athlete, a marriage and family therapist, a developmental psychologist, and now the CEO of the Search Institute ("Helping Young People Thrive.") His professional life has been devoted to helping people live their best lives. In this episode, he shares lessons that he's learned along the way for living more purposefully.
In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • How fear robs us of purpose
  • Purpose being what holds our life narratives together
  • A simple definition of purpose
  • How relationships foster purpose
  • How painful events can lead us to greater purpose

Ben's links
Search Institute
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