School of Purpose

#78. "Passionate about Helping People Become Who God Made Them to Be": Pastor and Author Chase Davis

December 01, 2021

How can Christians find their calling in life? There's lots of teaching in the Church about God's "general" will-that is for all people. What about God's "particular" will-His individualized plans for a specific person?
Chase Davis is the pastor of a thriving church in Boulder, Colorado. He's also a deep thinker-having recently authored the book Trinitarian Formation. He has both personal and professional insight into how Christians find purpose and calling in life. In this episode, he shares how to think about these issues, and he gives practical advice on finding one's calling.
In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • Finding purpose and identity in God
  • Feeling called to participate in a local church
  • The difference between a general and particular calling
  • The value of getting feedback from others
  • The first question that Chase asks people when they want to know their calling

Chase's links:
The Well Church

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Want to start your own podcast? This podcast is edited and produced (and music too) by Josh Gilbert. He does a great job and is a joy to work with. Contact him at