School of Purpose

#85. Purpose in Work and Leadership: Professor and Center Director Stuart Bunderson

What is true leadership? Some view it as effective influence--getting more people to do what you want. But it's more than that. When leadership is rooted in values, it has the potential to change the world. 
Stuart Bunderson studies meaningful work and leadership. He is an organizational psychologist, and he heads the Bauer Leadership Center at Washington University. One of Stuart's seminal works explored how zookeepers find meaning in their work and the implications this has for them. 
In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • Value-based leadership
  • Starting with one's own values as a leader
  • The difference between values and purpose
  • Finding meaning in work
  • One's calling as destiny

Connect with Stuart:
Bauer Leadership Center
The Zookeeper's Secret

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Want to start your own podcast? This podcast is edited and produced (and music too) by Josh Gilbert. Contact him at He specializes in working with early podcasters.