School of Purpose
School of Purpose
#80. Being Brave Enough to Suck at Something New: Master Woodworker and YouTube Star Cam Anderson of Blacktail Studio
Have you ever dreamed of doing something that was entirely new, but you have no idea how to do it? All too many people don't act on such a dream. It's too different, too difficult. Some people, however, try it. They take the risk and boldly walk into the unknown.
Cam Anderson is a woodworker doing really interesting things. He makes extraordinarily beautiful tables--thick slabs of wood with gaps filled with resin. He also films himself making these tables, and posts the videos to YouTube. Many, many people watch these videos. The channel has 1.2 million subscribers! In this episode, Cam shares his secrets for getting into something new that feels purposeful.
In this episode, you'll learn about
- Being brave enough to suck at something new
- Serendipitous input from others
- Core vs. manifest purpose in life
- Educating others about their purpose
- The relationship between ability and purpose
Connect with Cam:
YouTube Channel
Blacktail Studio
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Would you like assistance in finding your own purpose? Email us at bradleywrightphd@gmail.com. We'll do what we can.
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Want to start your own podcast? This podcast is edited and produced (and music too) by Josh Gilbert. Contact him at joshgilbertmedia@gmail.com. He specializes in working with early podcasters.