School of Purpose
School of Purpose
#88. Being a Purposeful Artist in Every Aspect of Life: Multidisciplinary Artist Katie Chonacas
Artists epitomize purpose. They bring something out from inside of themselves to share with and contribute to the world. For most artists, art equals purpose.
Katie Chonacas knows about art because she's done many different mediums of it. She's an actor, podcaster, voiceover artist, musician, filmmaker, and writer. Here she shares her unique perspective about art and its relationship with purpose.
In this episode, you'll learn about:
- Why artists create art
- The difficulties of having a calling in life
- What happens when a calling is followed
- Why being domesticated is the opposite of being an artist
- Having courage in purpose
Katie's Links:
* **
Want help in finding your own purpose? Email us at bradleywrightphd@gmail.com.
Want to connect? Make a connection on Bradley's LinkedIn page.
Want to start your own podcast? This podcast is edited and produced (and music too) by Josh Gilbert. Contact him at joshgilbertmedia@gmail.com. He specializes in working with early podcasters.