Stay At Home Mom? Yeah Right!

This Mom Shares Her Story Of Postpartum Depression. A Chat With Arielle Wozniak

Sarah Smith Episode 78

Arielle Wozniak  is a wife and mom of three.  As a two-time  postpartum depression survivor, she’s passionate about helping women defeat  PostPartum Depression without medication. To do this she uses a Christ-Centered approach focused on nutrition and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques aimed at rewiring your brain.

On the podcast we chatted about:

-Her journey with Postpartum Depression.
-How Postpartum Depression is different for each person.
-How moms can feel joy when they really aren't feeling it.
-How Postpartum affected her relationships.
-How she was able to parent during this time.
-What the beginning of her healing journey looked like and how she helps others to get through.

You can find Arielle at:


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