Stay At Home Mom? Yeah Right!

Teach Your Kids The Importance Of Money, Saving, and Travel. A Chat With Tanya Taylor

Sarah Smith Episode 87

Tanya Taylor is the founder of Grow Your Wealth, teaching professionals and small business owners how to build a 6/7 figure retirement by learning how money works. She is a CPA and holds an MBA in Strategic Management. Tanya has spent her entire career on Wall Street working for or overseeing some of the largest banks and insurance companies worldwide. She has also spent the past 20+ years teaching financial literacy. 

As an undocumented immigrant arriving in America alone at 16, and seeing many people living paycheck to paycheck, she was committed to changing her life. Despite many obstacles, by age 25, she graduated college debt -free, bought a home, and was part owner in a small business. She later co-founded and ran a successful investment club, and a children's financial education club, and started a tax practice with her husband. She has been to 50+ countries and 30 states.

On the podcast we chatted about:
-Learning to live below your means.
-How she fully funded her children's college fund.
-The importance of traveling with your kids and the world view they can develop.

And you so much more! You will not want to miss this episode.

You can find Tanya at:

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