School of Accounting and Finance's Podcast

Episode 6 - International Study Trip

School of Accounting and Finance Season 1 Episode 6

This week, we are joined by upper-year AFM student, Mitchell Ho to discuss the international study trip opportunity, and his experience.

 The SAF International Study Trip is a condensed, 0.5-credit course offered to upper-year SAF students that provides the opportunity for students to visit - in person and/or virtually - international business centers to learn from business professionals and organizations directly involved in international business and specifically international finance and account.

Participants of this course will meet with business professionals in person and/or virtually across the globe to learn more about business practices and challenges that affect an internationalized business environment. The course is offered in the Winter and Spring terms each year and past courses have visited and/or met with professionals in London UK, Hong Kong, New York City, Frankfurt, and Munich.

To find out more, visit our SAF Future Students website.