Trauma for Breakfast

Teaching in the 21st Century - Dr. Adam Saenz

Stacey Season 1 Episode 9

During this podcast episode, we continue our conversation with  Dr. Adam Seinz. We will be taking a look at the frequency, duration and intensity of behaviors that are increasing in our students. Adam identifies the crisis we are seeing in mental health and speaks to teachers on how to create career sustainability and avoid burnout. 

"You don't have to be a throracic surgeon to perform CPR and save a life. You don't have to be a licensed psychologist or licensed counselor to administer basic mental health first aid to your student.

The first goal is not to change the student. The goal is how do I understand and regulate myself.  Because once I'm self-aware of my stressors and regulating them, once I'm aware of my emotions and regulating them, once I'm aware of my personality and regulating them...then I'm centered. 

I can actually become a secure-emotional base for all the kids in my classroom and I'm sustainable."