Trauma for Breakfast

Good Grief with Jamie Briscoe


We are talking about grief on Pt 1 of 'Good Grief' with Jamie Briscoe. 
Listen in as we discuss -

- the ball of grief
- how to respond when friends are in crisis
- what does grief look like post-adoption, post cancer diagnosis, post death of a loved one? 
- how do we accept and embrace grief as a human experience?

Show resources mentioned - 
How to Respond to People in Crisis: Comfort In; Dump Out | Psychology Today

Mindfulness or a self-check-in.

Radical Acceptance -

  1. Radical Acceptance- Current circumstance that causes a lot of pain

We heap SUFFERING on top of our painful experience when we refuse to acknowledge and accept this current situation.

  • Accept what is- acknowledge reality
  • What can I control/not control?
  • Non Judgemental look at situation
  • Stop resisiting reality
  • Live in present moment DESPITE pain!
  • Nurture- routine, rest, soften, ease, hydrate, comfort

Radical Acceptance questions to process:

  • Realities I am refusing to accept:
  • Behaviors I choose when I refuse to accept current reality:
  • How I experience suffering when I refuse current reality:
  • Resistance I feel in my body when I refuse to accept current reality:

(release tension in stomach, back, neck; allow tension to soften, send deep breath to that place of tension and allow the release of the breath to send out the tension)