Otherwise Occupied

David Lehrer: 'To live in peace with nature, you must learn to live in peace with your neighbor'

David Lehrer

David Lehrer is the Director of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. As a partner of the Ben Gurion University, the institute brings Israeli, Palestinian, Jordanian and international students together, promoting the idea that nature knows no political borders is more than a belief. "It is a fact, a curriculum, and a way of life," as their website says.

I spoke to David while he was in the institute, in a Kibbutz called Ketura, where he has lived now for many years since immigrating from the States. We talk about the amazing work they do in the West Bank, Gaza, and Jordan, about how environment work can promote peace, about living through the Trump era as an environmentalist, and his hopes for the future for this region and the world.

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