The Front Garden

The Front Garden S2 EP02 - Andrew Smith (Warners Nurseries) talks Trees, Shrubs & Plants

LVML Members Chris Weiss & Tyson Owen Season 2 Episode 2

Self confessed 'plant nerd' Andrew Smith talks all things Horticulture and his 35 years working at Warners Nurseries.  

Find out how Andrew's love of plants commenced at a really early age - he recalls some great stories of being part of different plant clubs whilst still at school.     He also provides advice on the things individuals can do to get into the industry and shares why he loves being part of trade shows, especially MIFGS (but not necessarily the 5am starts!)

When it comes to successful planting, he discusses the key things you need to consider, and it's these helpful tips that will help save your company, and your clients, time, money and effort in the long run.

Email if you've got a question or a suggestion for a topic you’d like Chris and Tyson to chat about on ‘The Front Garden’. 

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Botanix Plant Supply is a wholesale nursery dedicated to the production of high quality trees and shrubs at competitive prices.
Established in 2007, Botanix now produce trees and shrubs over two nursery sites, and 24 acres.