The Front Garden

The Front Garden S3 EP07 - John van de Linde discusses his incentive for moving into landscaping!

LVML Members Chris Weiss & Tyson Owen Season 3 Episode 7

This episode Chris and Tyson chat with John van de Linde, past LVML president and stalwart of the Landscaping Industry.  

Find out how John started in the nursery trade - and how he moved into landscaping (hint: it was because he was told you could make a million dollars in 6 months!)  John is extremely passionate about the industry, and highlights the importance of talking with other people, seeing how they work and conversing as much as possible. 

Email if you've got a question, a suggestion for a topic or a guest you’d like Chris and Tyson to chat to on ‘The Front Garden’. 

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Botanix Plant Supply is a wholesale nursery dedicated to the production of high quality trees and shrubs at competitive prices.
Established in 2007, Botanix now produce trees and shrubs over two nursery sites, and 24 acres.