Law and the Future of War

War Algorithms - Dustin Lewis

Season 3 Episode 12

In this episode, Dr Lauren Sanders speaks with Dustin Lewis, of Harvard Law School's Project on International Law and Armed Conflict about war algorithms and his recent project on pathways for using AI, and how to ensure greater respect for international law when states use these algorithmic capabilities. 

Dustin is the Research Director  at the Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict (PILAC). With a focus on public international law sources and methods, Dustin leads research into several wide-ranging contemporary challenges related to securing peace, protecting civilians, regulating hostilities, safeguarding the environment, and ending armed conflicts.

Additional Resources:
PILAC - Three Pathways to Secure Greater Respect for International Law Concerning War Algorithms
SIPRI - Emerging Military and Security Technologies Project
ASSER Institute - Designing International Law and Ethics into Military Artificial Intelligence (DILEMA) 
Geneva Institute - Lethal Autonomous Weapons and War Crimes Project
AutoNorms - Weaponised AI, Norms and Order
ICRC Background Papers on LAWS: ICRC Position on Autonomous Weapons
Suchman - Human-Machine Reconfigurations (CUP, 2012)