Law and the Future of War

International Criminal Law and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems: autonomy and accountability - Marta Bo

July 27, 2022 Season 3 Episode 15

In this episode Dr Lauren Sanders will be speaking with Dr Marta Bo about her work analysing how individuals can be held to account for the potential misuse of LAWS; and how ICL can be used as a method to regulate the use of LAWS.

Dr Marta Bo is a  researcher at the Asser Institute and the Graduate Institute for International and Development studies (Geneva).  She is currently researching on criminal responsibility for war crimes committed with autonomous weapon systems (LAWS and War Crimes Project); AI and criminal responsibility; automation biases and mens rea for crimes committed with autonomous or automated systems; disarmament and criminalisation. She has published on international and transnational criminal law, artificial intelligence and criminal responsibility, autonomous weapons. Marta is also associate senior researcher at SIPRI.

Additional Resources:
SIPRI Emerging Military and Security Technologies Research