Everyday Oral Surgery

Strategies for Keeping Your Body and Mind Healthy During Residency and Your Career (with Dr. Gabriella Tehrany)

Grant Stucki - oral and maxillofacial surgeon Episode 175

Residency is a challenging time that demands a lot physically and mentally. Maintaining good health can help you perform at your best, stay focused, and reduce the risk of burnout. As a healthcare provider, you are responsible for providing the best possible care for your patients and good health can help you make sound clinical decisions, communicate effectively with patients, and provide compassionate care. However, this is easier said than done, and joining us to unpack the subject is Dr. Gabriella Tehrany, a maxillofacial surgeon practicing in California. In our conversation, Dr. Tehrany shares strategies you can practice today to help you feel and perform at your peak. We discuss the benefits of a healthy mind and body, and why health and wellness should be prioritized in the medical industry. We share our sleep deprivation experiences, tips and tricks for getting quality sleep, why processed foods should be avoided, the benefits of phytochemicals in food, and how to stay ahead of the dehydration game. We discuss the importance of exercising every day, what type of physical activities you should focus on, the value of creating and following a routine, why posture is key for a resident’s performance, how to effectively manage stress, what adaptogens are and how they can help, and why skincare is an essential part of wellness. To discover how you can perform and feel your best, tune in now!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Introduction to Dr. Tehrany and why she thinks a healthy body and mind are important.
  • Dr. Tehrany explains the role of sleep and why getting enough rest should be a priority.
  • She explains why you are what you eat and how an unhealthy diet can impact performance.
  • We learn about phytochemicals and why you should include them in your diet.
  • The challenges medical residents face accessing healthy food, and how to overcome them.
  • The single most important aspect to prevent chronic disease: hydrate effectively.
  • Hear strategies to help residents consistently pursue a healthy lifestyle. 
  • What residents can do to ensure they are getting enough exercise in their daily routine.
  • An overview of the different natural supplements and stimulants to help manage stress.
  • Find out why a good skincare routine is essential to the health and wellness of residents.
  • How intermittent fasting can be beneficial to your overall health.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Gabriella Tehrany on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriella-tehrany/

Dr. Gabriella Tehrany Email — gabriella.m.tehrany@kp.org

Kaiser Permanente — https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/

Yuka — https://yuka.io/en/

The Pegan Diet — https://www.amazon.com/Pegan-Diet-Principles-Reclaiming-Nutritionally/

Everyday Oral Surgery Website — https://www.everydayoralsurgery.com/ 

Everyday Oral Surgery on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/everydayoralsurgery/ 

Everyday Oral Surgery on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/EverydayOralSurgery/

Dr. Grant Stucki Email — grantstucki@gmail.com

Dr. Grant Stucki Phone — 720-441-6059

KLS Martin promo code EOSExo22 — https://www.klsmartin.com/