Everyday Oral Surgery

Dr. Jackson Morgan: Experience and Advice On Doing a Completely Hospital-Based Practice

Grant Stucki - oral and maxillofacial surgeon Episode 74

Today’s guest is the first surgeon I’ve had on the podcast who has a completely hospital-based practice. Many surgeons have concerns about having a practice of this type; if you are one of them, you might have your mind changed today! For Dr. Jackson Morgan, the ever-changing, incredibly rewarding nature of his role as a hospital-based surgeon is exactly what he wanted out of his career. It is not without its challenges, but then again, nothing is, and for Jackson, the positives far outweigh any negatives that may arise. Whether you're interested in pursuing this path or not, you’ll walk away from this conversation with a broadened perspective on the range of possibilities that exist for oral surgeons. 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • What makes today's guest, Jackson Morgan, different from all the other guests we’ve had on the show.
  • Jackson shares what his professional journey has consisted of. 
  • Why Jackson decided to be a purely hospital-based surgeon. 
  • Challenges of the route Jackson has chosen. 
  • What Jackson’s role consists of, and how he feels about his job. 
  • Jackson puts to rest a common fear that surgeons have about hospital-based practice.
  • The variety of ways that Jackson is compensated for his work. 
  • Contributions that Jackson has made to the Atrium Health OMS program.  
  • Benefits that Jackson receives through the hospital system. 
  • Advice from Jackson to anyone interested in having a hospital-based practice. 
  • Why Jackson likes being in academia. 
  • Tips from Jackson on how to maintain a balanced lifestyle when working in a hospital-based practice. 
  • A rapid fire round with Jackson.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Grant Stucki Email — grantstucki@gmail.com

Dr. Grant Stucki Phone — 720 441 6059