Everyday Oral Surgery

Considerations In Choosing a 4 vs 6 Year OMS Program

Grant Stucki - oral and maxillofacial surgeon Episode 79

If you’ve made the (great) decision that you want to be an oral surgeon but you’re struggling to choose between the 4 year, 6 year, or the less common 5 year program, this episode is for you. My brother, Jake Stucki, and I chose different paths, and in today’s episode we talk you through the costs and benefits of the single versus dual degree options, and what these years of your life are likely to consist of. There is no one size fits all approach; don’t listen to anyone who tells you that one type of program is better than another! But it’s important to understand what you’re getting into, and there are a number of factors to take into consideration before you commit yourself to any program. After listening to today’s episode you’ll be well equipped with knowledge that will help you to make this decision, and if you’re still confused we’re just a phone call or an email away!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Who this episode is aimed at. 
  • The amount of time that you will spend on oral surgery when doing a 6 year (i.e. dual degree) program. 
  • Off-service time that is a part of the 4 year (i.e. single degree) OMS programs. 
  • Jake explains what a six year program generally consists of. 
  • Misconceptions about the 5 year program. 
  • Benefits of doing an internship year before medical school.
  • Differences between the costs of 4 and 6 year programs. 
  • The value of moonlighting during medical school. 
  • Money making potential of the 4 versus 6 year degrees. 
  • Reasons to do a 6 year program. 
  • Variety between 6 years programs in the amount of general surgery that forms part of the degree. 
  • Our experience of general surgery residency. 
  • Why you should take into consideration the certification that you are going to receive before choosing your program. 
  • We share our thoughts on patients’ opinions of a 6 years versus 4 year program.
  • Circumstances where having a 6 year degree may make your life easier. 
  • The split between 4 year and 6 year programs within the 100 accredited OMFS programs in the United States. 
  • My struggle to decide between a 4 and 6 year program. 
  • Unfortunate mentalities that people hold towards one degree or the other. 
  • Why you should find out how much practical experience you are going to get during the course of your degree before you enroll. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Grant Stucki Email — grantstucki@gmail.com

Dr. Grant Stucki Phone — 720-441-6059

Dr. Jake Stucki Email — jakestucki@gmail.com